Monday, July 28, 2008


Its a wake up call again!! For all that is happening in the city where lives keep running at such a frenzied speed, its sort of a wake up call that stumbles upon and jolts you down. Yes, despite of our state of denial, terror indeed exists!

Yet fortunately, inspite of what the terrorists like us to believe, it is only that, a wake a call. People where tensed, not terrified. Routine rattled, but life move on. Perhaps the best way to tackle terrorists as public is to ignore them. For that is what they need - Public's attention. If you are reading this and you are worried about some one in Bangalore; don't worry. At worst we missed a weekend out. (having said that, I deeply sympathise with those who are injured and dead)

On the positive side, bloggers are really turning the world on. From Katrina to Bangalore serial balsts, bloggers are becoming the fastest and reliable source of information. read more here.
Way to go!!

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